hard copies

美 [hɑːrd ˈkɑːpiz]英 [hɑːd ˈkɒpiz]
  • n.硬拷贝,打印件(打印出的计算机资料)
  • hard copy的复数
hard copieshard copies

hard copies


  • 1
    N-VAR 硬拷贝;打印稿
    A hard copy of a document is a printed version of it, rather than a version that is stored on a computer.

    ...eight pages of hard copy.


  1. Both electronic and hard copies of all documents will be saved in the same relevant sub-folders simultaneously .


  2. Commissioning documents shall be issued to the contact person and CC to the commissioning manager both in electronic format and in hard copies .


  3. Hard copies , 20 of them . I 'll do it right away .


  4. Hard copies of the conference proceedings will also be provided in English and Chinese .


  5. They 're just going to have hard copies at the desk .


  6. Hard copies of the presentation material shall be provided prior to the meeting date .


  7. If the letter is long , print hard copies of the letter frequently while writing it .


  8. Why pay more to buy hard copies of such books when it is far more convenient to carry many books around in a digital form ?


  9. Data stored in magnetic or other media shall be supported by back-up files and hard copies of the data shall be printed on a regular basis .


  10. This coalition of musicians and music lovers prefers people to download albums instead of buying hard copies and their tour buses run on biodiesel .


  11. With tetrachloroethylene or some other suitable liquids applied on a scratched microform during printing , hard copies of good legibility can be obtained .


  12. If I so request , you must hand in hard copies of all the sources that you used for writing an essay , as well as your notes and rough drafts .


  13. Materials and Methods Of the 90 cases with lung cancer or hemoptysis , hard copies ( films ) of BA DSA were reviewed in 48 cases to analyze if there is enhancement of the other BAs ( the opening and the route ) by collateral circulation .
